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Hey, very happy to have found this game (bought on DTRPG rather than here, unfortunately). I was just making a character and I've seen two things :
- on page 64, Abyssal Blast is attributed to the cold domain, I wonder if it's a bad case of copy/paste or if it's actually cold attributed.
- on p81, Iron body states that Unarmed attack deal D4-1 damage, while on p113 it is said that it's D4 damage. 

about Unarmed combat, I was wondering if it's considered finesse or not (using DEX bonus for damage and to hit is better than STR for the Zenith Guard.

That being said, I can't wait playing and DMing the game. I'll probably make a solo playthru video about it very soon (but that will most likely be in French). 

I was wondering about writing a similar game, inspired by Primal Hunter, Defiance of the Fall, Randidly Ghosthound. I quite I don't have to now. Though I think I'll homebrew some skill fusion in when I have a better feel about the ruleset. 

Thanks for the game !

Apologies it took me so long to reply, I'm not notified when a new post is created, for some reason. In the future, I'd suggest you either join the Blackoath Discord, or directly email me at As for your questions:

- You're correct, it should say "Shadow", not "Cold". Thanks!

- The correct damage is D4.

- Unarmed Combat is indeed Finesse.

Please let me know if you do record a video! I'm glad you find my game interesting!


I got this on release day and just wanted to say that I've been thoroughly enjoying my first read of the book. I've never read or experienced anything in the cultivation genre before so this was quite a revelation for me!

I think this kind of game and story lends itself well for solo play, looking forward to my first session.


Thank you so much for your kind words! If you're interested in the cultivation fantasy genre, I cannot recommend the Cradle book series enough. They're even going to make an anime of it!